Eastern Face Massage

Eastern Face Massage is extremely relaxing and therapeutic, and is the ultimate in pure pampering. It offers relaxation while also delivering massive benefits to the well being.

This treatment involves working on the face, head and neck. For an additional treat Eastern Face Massage works well combined with a back massage.

What is Eastern Face Massage?

Eastern Face Massage blends techniques of Indian Face Massage with Japanese Face Massage to result in a refined and gentle massage. During the treatment, Acupressure and Reflexology points are worked on on the face and head.

The use of particular finger movements along with pressure point work, encouraging lymphatic drainage.

How Can it Help?

Eastern Face Massage can help in a variety of ways:

  • Increases blood circulation, enabling capillaries to deliver nutrients more effectively to the skin’s surface
  • Stimulates the nervous system
  • Improves the Lymphatic flow, transporting bacteria and toxins away from skin cells
  • Balances the energy
  • Helps skin feel and look refreshed
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Tightens and tones skin and underlying muscles
  • Relieves stress headaches, eye strain and insomnia
  • Reduces and releases any muscle tension in the face and jaw
  • Enhances mental and physical relaxation.